Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Perfect Mom


I yelled to the kids after the umpteenth tattle tale of she hit me, he spit at me, and the likings.

"Ever again? What if..."

Please tell me I am not the only Mom who has had this conversation with their children.
Raise of hands....anyone?

Okay so maybe it is just me....now you all know my secret.......I am not a perfect mother.

There I said it. The first step in recognizing a problem is admitting you have a problem.

I swear on days like today I am loosing my mind. All though it could just be PMS. How hard is it to pick up your toys? You would think that I was asking them to climb Mount Everest.

My Mom is so good at getting the kids excited about cleaning and they love to do it for her. That is what Grandma's are for. She will apologize to me when the kids want to her when they are hurt or cry when she leaves and they don't for me. She remembers how she felt sad sometimes that we kids wanted Grandma. But I don't mind. Really Mom I don't. I am glad they have someone else they feel comfortable with and love and look up to and can take their problems too.

And one day I will get to be the Grandma and I can only hope that I do as great as job that she and my Grandma does/did.

Bribery. Now I have stooped to bribing them to clean....
I really need to find a better system.

I wish that I could make them realize that we ask them to do things for a reason not just to be mean.

"Don't play on Daddy's exercise machine you will get hurt" sure enough this morning we had a minor head injury cause they didn't listen.

"No running in the house" slips on the kitchen floor....Get the idea.

I guess that what youth is though learning by making mistakes for themselves.

I know I did.

Right now  I will just have to find comfort in the following quote and try each day to be a better mom.

Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels. To you mothers in Israel we say God bless and protect you, and give you the strength and courage, the faith and knowledge, the holy love and consecration to duty, that shall enable you to fill to the fullest measure the sacred calling which is yours. To you mothers and mothers-to-be we say: Be chaste, keep pure, live righteously, that your posterity to the last generation may call you blessed.
                                   -First Presidency of the LDS Church 1942


Jaclyn M said...

I am so that way too!!! I am going to institute a NO-NO jar in my house.... instead of time out, each time they get in trouble they have to do a small chore.... pick up 20 toys, put away some clean clothes, take out the bathroom trash etc..... As naughty as my kids are we should have a very clean house LOL..... Also I race my kids to see who can win (pick up the most toys) and they get to pick the movie or snack.... It makes it fun :) Love ya!!

Jennifer said...

oh goodness I feel you on the toys thing! And lately everything I tell Lyla not to do she asks why?? And yay for you doing your liebster post!!

Mom of 12 said...

I don't know why kids don't get that I really know what I'm talking about! They think I just want to ruin their fun...

Ashley said...

Bring a mother is hard, no doubt about that. I have heard everyone say that you enjoy being a grandmother more than a parents. We shall see :)

Great quote, have it printed and framed on my dresser in my room!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh yes, we all have those days. You are not alone!

Helene said...

Oh man, I soooo hear you!! They're always interrupting with "but what if"...they just don't listen!

I finally figured out that I have to use reverse psychology sometimes. Like if a pan is hot, I say, "The pan is really hot, if you feel like burning your hand, feel free to touch it. Otherwise, back off."

It works so much better than "Don't touch the hot pan". Because then of course they want to touch it.