Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Friday, May 11, 2012

Faith, Trust, Hope

Sometimes I wonder why:

This week in our little town 3 young lives were lost, all in separate incidents. Parents now struggling with the loss of their sons'. Life cut short it seems, dreams lost, hope lost.

Or the choice a Mother makes, not only effecting her children, the loss of these children to the state. But the heartaches of the Grandparents and other family members who ache to hold these little ones. But who have no where for them to stay.

A Mother whose child has cancer, Autism, or handicaps.

A woman longing to have a child of her own.

The child in the orphanage.

Why does Heavenly Father let these things happen?

We may not have control of the situation or others choice. 

We have control of  the choices we make.

To mourn with those who mourn, to love one another unconditionally, and to have faith, to trust, and to hope.

Faith that we have a loving Heavenly Father. Trust in Him.

And hope that one day we have proven ourselves worthy to enter into His presence.
To be greeted by Him and our loved ones that have passed.

Faith that the blessings missed here in mortality will be granted in Eternity

"Sometimes God calms the storm,Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child."

Where can you turn for peace? Jesus suffered for us in the Garden. He knows of our sorrow, He has felt our grief, and He has taken our burdens on Himself that he can soothe our broken hearts. And that we may return to our Heavenly Father and come forth in that wonderful day known as the Resurrection. Our hearts healed and every hair on our head. Oh what a great and glorious day it shall be.


Ashley said...

Lesson that I had to learn...and sometimes still learning. It's hard to wonder why God lets certain things happen...it will all be right in the end, I know that. My testimony has grow so much since my son died, doesn't make my situation any less hard but knowing the gospel and what we are promised - anything that we deal with on this earth will be made whole again in eternity. These trails and how we deal with them are to mold and polish us to be able to enter into the presence of our Savior.

Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow!!

Twins Squared said...

Yes, some things are just so awful it is hard to understand why they happen. And then hard to understand why sometimes miracles happen and sometimes they don't. Last week I watched a child nearly drown at a swimming pool. It was horrific. She was practically already gone and they did CPR for several minutes to what appeared to be no avail. It was gut-wrenching and heart-breaking and then all of a sudden we heard screaming from the little girl. A true miracle. Everyone was just praying and praying for that child. On the same day a boy was abducted in our school district after getting off the bus. But the next morning he was dropped off somewhere and found safe. I felt like we had seen two miracles in one day and yet not everyone gets the miracle. Trusting in His grand plan in the face of such awful things can be very hard to do but I greatly admire those who have had to face such things and yet remain strong in their faith.

Thanks for visiting my blog! You have such a cute family!