Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Have You Forgotten?

We Shall Never Forget (9-11 Tribute)

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duties call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men's hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let's never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.

Alan W. Jankowski

Please view the links below the picture box.
The first is news footage of a local Fire Hero's funeral.
Isn't it amazing the love and brotherhood they have?

The second is a news article about the 10 Year 9/11 Anniversary Ceremony.
This makes me so sad, they answered the call
 and ran in when others ran out.
And now there is no room for them?
God Bless All who serve our country.
And All who die serving.
I will not forget.
I hope you won't either.



A Firefighters's Wife

A special kind of woman; a cut above the rest,
 rating her among the best.

How many good byes are shouted,
 without a fond embrace,
 as duty steals her man,
 for the danger he must face.

How many meals are ruined...
 or tender moments disturbed,
 by the wail of a distant signal,
 sparking loyalty answered.

It's a devil of a job,
 for an angel like this,
 who... for the love of her man,
 must forsake that kiss.

She can run a garden tractor;
 even paint a room in need,
 how she can stretch a dollar is a miracle indeed.
She is mother, lover, chauffer and nurse,
 a living symbol of: "for better for worse."

Rich is the man, reaping his rewards in life,
 who chose to be the other half of

~Unknown Author~

I shared this poem not to lighten the mood of this post but it is so true!
Alex first told me he loved me as he was running out the door
to answer the call of a car fire on the highway.
I spent 6 hours in December waiting in his car
at the Firestation in the middle of the night,
after our date was interrupted
so he could help with a land slide.
I can't tell you how many movies and TV shows  that
we have never finished or I finish alone
so he can answer the call.

He has missed family barbeque's, holiday's, birthday parties,
 and half of the luncheon for Taylie's baby blessing.
I finished cementing our mail box alone, finish bathing the kids alone,
and keep his dinner warm, even the special anniversary one.
So he could help with that house fire, or save a life.

But I am so blessed to be called A Firefighters Wife.
I wouldn't have it any other way.


Mom of 12 said...

Tell him thank you! From all of us. And thanks to you too for sharing him and letting us all be just a little safer.

DirtyMartini said...

Thanks for posting my poem, glad you liked it...and I think we'll all always remember that day...