Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Car Accident June 15, 1991; My Dad's view

Dear Bishop and Sister **************

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all the help you gave us on June 15, 1991. Donna has written about what happened, but I would like to share some of my feelings too.

Sometimes that day seems like a dream and someday it is so hard and so close.

I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our Brother were there that day. For it was truly a miracle that we all walked away from that accident. On that Monday after the wreck I was working on my Frito-Lay truck. pondering, and going over and over again at what had happened. I was trying to figure out how we all walked away from that accident. And then these words come to my mind "I Stand All Amazed at the Love Jesus offers Me" and than the words "only with His loving arms wrapped around you" and tears filled my eyes, and my heart swelled with in me. And I realized the only reason that we were alive was because of Him.

June 15, 1991 will always be a sacred day and that part of I-15 in McCammon ID will be a very sacred place were Heavenly father and Jesus put their Loving arms around my little family and spared our lives. For what purpose I don't know. But what ever plan He has for us I pray to live that plan. And dedicate my life the very life which he has given me to his work.

A I lay in bed that night unable to sleep crying softly many times at that days events remembering the horror that raced through my mind as I get out of the car. To find my kids and finding each one of them alive and well. The disbelief was overwhelming. I went from one to the other checking every inch of their bodies for some harm and finding none; then looking at the car. It was truly a miracle. I lay there and asking why! What do you want that that I should do for thee. And the answer came again and again. "My son testify or me, that I live and that I love all my children. And that I am a part of their lives- each and everyone." Oh what a comfort these words gave me. Even to my very soul. The spirit that I felt was very close and very personal. That spirit has been with me and my family ever since then.

Last night I was reading in Moroni 7 and verse 27 through 37. It touched me very deeply. It was as if He was once again telling me that He is Indeed with us. In verse 31 it talks about chosen vessels of the Lord. An I believe that Bishop you and your wife were His chosen vessel that day. To bring to us His loving comfort and care that his arms were with you too for He wanted you there to help fulfill his purpose with us.

I want to thank you for being in tune with Him and for the Loving help and "service" you gave that day my prayers will be with you and your family. And as that June 15 comes and goes, through the years memories of you will be with us.

I want you to know that I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us. As does Jesus Christ and that he is our Brother. This testimony has been very strong since my mission to Ohio. Where I gained a true testimony of Him and His work. And that the Gospel is true.

I give you this testimony of Him for Him that He is.

In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Dean L. Tolman


Unknown said...

As they say, everything happens for a reason. And yes, there is indeed a reason why things turned out that way. Sometimes, it’s just one of those moments when we need to realize the worthy things in our lives. I wish you well and your children! Indeed, you still have more moments to cherish together. :)

Javier Hoppes

Unknown said...

It’s tough to overcome something that has made such a recurring impact in your life. It doesn’t matter if it happened long ago, if the effects of it still linger in your very memories, it surely is hard to forget. You’re fortunate that you still have your family with you to help you get through the healing phase. That’s what matters: to have people surround you with great support and love. I pray for you, Tracie!

Maggie Malone

Unknown said...

An accident like this is truly hard to forget. Occupying yourself with fun-filled activities will help you recuperate from the incident. Make sure you include your family and friends when doing those activities, so that you’ll get even more emotional support from them. =)

Cristy Witherspoon