Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I never though I would hear these conversations from my boys.

Austin: I love you big brother.
AJ: I love you little brother, one day when you grow up you can be a big brother like me.
Austin: I want to be a big brother just like you.

I over heard this conversation between the boys, only 19 minutes apart I thought it was so cute!

I couldn't tell them though that Austin already is a big brother to Taylie! I didn't want to ruin their moment.

They are constantly calling each other big brother and little brother, they love each other so much they cry when the other is upset or if they are still sleeping when they wake up. They love to hold hands at dinner and in the car, and on walks. I think it is cute....Alex is getting worried.


Jennifer said...

Why is Alex getting worried? haha it's adorable!

Jaclyn M said...

Why is Alex getting worried? They are too cute!

Rindi said...

How cute!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I know, those are the best of the best moments! My twins were saying this morning "I love you brother" "I love you too" "I want a hug" and it made my Friday :-)

Mom of 12 said...

I agree! They are so cute!

ShanaM said...

That is cute and really nice.

Helene said...

That is so stinkin' cute! Wish my boys loved each other like that!!