Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"The End of the World as I know it..." Kindergarten here she comes! Lydia's First Day

In my mind I found my self singing
 "It's the end of the world as we know it."
 As I was watching Lydia ride her bike tonight.
She stopped in front of me and asked
"Why have I seen you watching me
 these last few days before kindergarten
with a sad kind of smile?"
I just hugged her.
"It's the end of the world as I know it......I WILL feel fine."

This was my facebook post on Sunday.

My baby girl started school yesterday....she was so excited and happy! Alex was able to be off work to help take her to school and my parents came to watch their first Grandbaby go. I was excited for her! I will miss having her with me in the mornings, she is such a big helper to me. But she is so ready for school, SO READY. And so I have to let her go, it makes it a little bit easier. I think the poem below best describes how I feel.

Lydia your Dad and I love you so much! We are so proud of you!
We know you will have a wonderful school year.
Here we go Baby Girl, the next chapter in our lives!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh, she looks so cute and ready! We started school this week too; I was really nervous but it seems to be going well.

Miss Jill said...

I can sure sympathize with how you are feeling. Adam starts kindergarten on Monday. Back to School night is tonight and with a five day old baby, Adam is going with just his dad (sigh). At least I will be able to take him to his first day. Wishing you and Lydia a wonderful kindergarten year.

Mom of 12 said...

She looks so grown up! I sent my five-year-old off a few weeks ago. Even though I've done that ten other times, it's still hard.