Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Cookbook Bible: To share or not to share? That is the question.

This is my new blog! Feel free to come visit, I like to share!

My Cookbook Bible: To share or not to share? That is the question.: "I hate to cook! I love to bake! And yes there is a difference. If you are looking for some low calorie, fat free receipes you will want to k..."

1 comment:

Mom of 12 said...

I have been sharing my recipes one at a time on my blog. It's been fun to tell a story about each one. We talked about private vs. public blogs and I told you I use aliases for my kids. I only do that because there are so many of them it is easier to keep track of who's who with more descriptive names.