Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Going Private....maybe.

I have been thinking lately of making my blog private. I am wondering what peoples opinions are who have private ones and people who don't. What do you feel the pro's and con's are? Any advice would be helpful! I want your comments please!


Dalling Family said...

I have a private blog for one main reason...to keep people I don't know from looking at my family. I had someone comment on my blog and I didn't know who it was. That bothered me a bit. Con - everyone has to be invited/sign in to see it. But once you invite them, it's not a big deal. Hope that helps!

Mom of 12 said...

I have a private family blog that uses our real names. Our public blog uses aliases. That's about the only difference. My sweetie was totally against sharing pics at first, but he finally relented. I think it's fun when someone I don't know stops by and comments. It's kind of like hearing a kind word from some unknown person in the grocery store...it just makes my day. The stalker thing doesn't worry me too much. People get way worried about too many things...

Erin said...

I randomly came across your blog (something you might be trying to prevent, sorry) and wanted to chime in. I recently edited a few of my posts to take out information about where I go to pharmacy school. I only use my first name, but I am the only person with my first name at that school, so my entire name and information could be found on a Google search. I do like having people who don't know me come by to comment, but my blog is just about the random things in my life and isn't written specifically for family to keep up with me (although, since having started it, it has kept my mom's phone calls to a minimum). If you're just worried about someone looking at your children and becoming creepy and stalking them, well, that's less likely of happening than being struck by lightning (I tried to post the link to support that statement on internet stalking, but it won't let me), so I wouldn't really worry about that. Honestly, I've found that in the great sea of blogs, the weirdos are usually women who pick on really popular blogs (Kellys Korner, etc.). You can also disable the right-click so no one can take your pictures, if that makes you feel better... or just make it private all together! Best of luck and I'm sorry for the novel!