Familes are Forever

Familes are Forever

Friday, July 15, 2011

Life with twins in a nut shell.....

 This video made me laugh so hard I cried! It is so true!

I know people are in awe by multiples, but many times it makes them forget their manners. I have to admit that getting asked these questions used to make me mad. Sometimes it still does. If I just met you (and probably wont see you again) is it really any of your business how they were conceived and if we are planning on having more? What's it like having to celebrate two birthdays on the same day, do you make them share a cake? I love the look on peoples faces when I tell them that I have 3 kids that share the same Birthday (Taylie was born on the boys 2nd birthday and it was NOT planned that way she didn't want to miss the party so she came early). Yes it is as chaotic as you imagine and Yes they have their own cakes and we sing to them individually, they have to share the day, they should have something of their own.

 I think I should make a shirt or something for the kids and I to wear in public (OMG especially grocery shopping) that would say something like this: Yes they are twins, not sure if they are identical or not it depends on the doctor you ask. (long story for another day), Yes we have our hands full thanks for stopping us to point that out, we didn't realize it till now, Yes they run in our Family (My youngest brothers are twins and 2 sets of cousins), Yes we mix them up (hey everyone makes mistakes), Yes they try to swap places, How do we do it? SURVIVAL! And for my most favorite: So are you done having kids? Depends on the day and which parent you ask. Thanks and Have a Nice Day.

To all the other MOMs (moms of multiples) am so glad to be in this club and wouldn't have it any other way!

Anyways....thanks for letting me vent.

Oh and read some of the comments after the video! My favorite one is the Lady who says her Hubby's response to the question of Are they twins is "No they are triplets...oh crap we lost one" and frantically runs away! I might try that sometime! I must admit I am guilty of asking that questions to other Moms, cause MOMs have a special bond that if you are not one you don't understand...


heather said...

Now I'm feeling bad for all the times I've said the exact same things to mom's with multiples. Ooops. I mean, the comments like "You've got your hands full!" and "Are they twins?" Those comments. ;)

Mom of 12 said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment this morning. I have to tell you, when Princess and Prima Donna were little, there were very nearly the same size. We even dressed them alike. I had lots of people ask me if they were twins and I had to say no. What does that say about me? A wannabe?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hear you! My twins are fraternal and they look totally different, so I often get "How far apart in age are they?" which is ridiculous - like I'd have two kids that were 6 months apart or something (one weighs about 4 pounds more than the other, so he looks older, but realistically he couldn't be that much older! In reality, he's 6 minutes older :-))

Jennifer said...

I saw your comment on "the meanest mom" blog and thought I'd check out your blog, I'm your newest follower. Come check out my blog if you have a minute.. iwannafeelthatfire.blogspot.com

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

Triplets...oh, crap, I lost one! Hahaha!!! I am adding that to my list! :) Thanks for the laugh this morning! :)